Sinaia - Romania
March 3th - March 6th, 2025

Dear friends, rescuers on the ski slopes from Europe and the whole world, FIPS and Salvamont Romania - the National Association of Mountain Rescuers from Romania, will organize the 4th European FIPS Meeting, a professional meeting where we will debate, analyze and look for solutions for the problems we encounter in our work.

WHEN: March 3th - March 6th, 2025
WHERE: Sinaia - Romania (https://sinaiago.ro/)


All the guests will be hosted at Sinaia - Hotel Sinaia **** ( hotelsinaia.ro )
Price package is 350,00 € per person, but with the help of Salvamont Romania partners we will grant a small discount, the final cost being this:

  • €300 per person, delegate to a European FIPS member country. The discount is provided regardless of the number of members of the delegation
  • €200 per person, delegate to a European country that is not yet a FIPS member. The discount is offered for a maximum of 2 delegates from each country and is granted to those who first pay the participation fee within a maximum of 5 days from the date of registration
  • €0 per person delegated to a non-European country member or not of FIPS. The gratuity is offered for a maximum of 2 delegates from each country and is granted to those who first pay the participation guarantee in the amount of 100 euros within a maximum of 5 days from the date of registration. The participation guarantee is returned within 7 days of the end of the action.

Registration deadline: until November 1, 2024
Deadline for paying the participation fee: November 15, 2024
After this date, discounts are no longer granted and registrations are accepted only within the limits of the remaining available places.

Package includes:

  • Congress registration
  • 3 nights / 3 days accommodation in double / double room (from Monday night to Thursday morning)
  • All meals included
  • 2 days ski pass included

Not included:

  • Single room upgrade
  • Transfers to Sinaia
  • Ski / snowboard rentals (a discount will be applied for Congress participants)
  • Bar, excursions, personal expenses

Participants who wish to arrive earlier or extend their stay will provide the necessary information to the organizers to make the necessary reservations, if applicable.

Sabin Cornoiu,
President Salvamont Romania